Original [Award-Winning] 1997 Kwanzaa Village Youth Expo




sjsvnaacplogoThe 1997 NAACP President’s Award went to Community Activists Pamala Springs and Gwyndolyn Poole for their creation and delivery of KWANZAA VILLAGE YOUTH EXPO.

Ms. Springs and Ms. Poole are two talented sisters who have been very active in the African American community. Ms. Springs has served on the Kwanzaa Village Youth Expo, African American Women on Tour, Ellipse Peninsula AIDS project, and African American Student Union Parent Advisor. Ms. Poole has served on the Kwanzaa Village Youth Expo, SGI-USA member which promotes African Americans culture, education, and world peace, and six years at Pegasus which is a community school for at-risk high school students. Kwanzaa Village Youth Expo partnered with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority to present a festive, cultural affirmation of all that is GOOD in our families and community. Kwanzaa Village was a program free to the general public and it was a wonderful opportunity to provide African American youth a positive and enlightening learning experience during the season of Kwanzaa. The atmosphere of Kwanzaa Village was MAGICAL in the innovative decorations, EMPOWERING in the informative workshops and MEMORABLE with the giveaways and performances of the day. Youth were the main focus and corporate, civic and community volunteers from various walks of life assisted in the education of youth. The following workshops were conducted: African Dance, Automotive, Computers 1-2-3, Cooking, Jewelry Making, Kickboxing, Music, Personal Grooming, Safety, and Science 1-2-3.